mercredi, octobre 24, 2007



voilette: le Grenier
fourreau en satin de soie: vintage Yves Saini Laurent
trés longs gants en chevreau souple, couvrants les epaules:
Manufacture de gants Salvatore Notturno, Grenoble

veil: le Grenier
tight gown in black silk satin: vintage Yves Saint Laurent
extra long opera gloves in smooth black kid leather, covering the shoulders:
Manufacture de gants Salvatore Notturno, Grenoble

copyright: Cédric Cadhomme © 2004

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Isabelle is a beautiful lady whose natural beauty is enhanced by her very classy leather gloves and outfits. Her modelling exceptionally exciting and I am fortunate to have discovered pictures and images. Tom